Wallet Generator

Type: object

Generates multiple password encrypted wallet files to be imported by GameChanger Wallet.

These wallets will be flagged as ̣burned, ethical feature that is used on UI to tell end users that these wallets has been created by someone else with a proper suggestion about moving to a fully owned wallet type.

If these wallet files are encoded as a QR code ( qr=true), they became the famous Gift Wallets that GameChanger offers to onboard family, friends and users on events into Cardano.

When running with system privileges and secrets is set to true this function returns also wallet secrets like password, wallet mnemonics and root private key.

Wallet addresses are returned in results, meaning you can use these addresses directly on the same script to airdrop funds to them.

Wallet files are currently network agnostic, meaning you can import these wallets on mainnet and testnets as well.

No Additional Properties

    "type": "walletGenerator",
    "amount": 1000,
    "defaultNamePattern": "Attendee {index}",
    "defaultDescriptionPattern": "Wallet for Attendee #{index}",
    "defaultKeyPattern": "{index}",
    "defaultHintPattern": "Your password is '{password}'",
    "qr": true,
    "download": true

Type: const
Specific value: "walletGenerator"

Number of wallets to be generated. When using this property, all the 'default' properties will be in use to generate individual wallet data like name, description, password, etc... (Currently using this property is the only usage mode available to call this API)

Type: number

Value must be greater or equal to 1

Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Reserved language functions

Type: string

function return(result: any ): void ;

The function return allows you to stop execution of inline code block at that position and return a value as result of entire block execution.


  • result (any) - value to return [OPTIONAL]


The function fail() is similar but halts the execution of entire script with failure instead.

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])return\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])

"{ return(5) }"
"{ return('Hello World!') }"
"{ return(get('cache.myAddress')) }"
Type: string

function fail(message: string ): void ;

The function fail allows you to stop execution of inline code block at that position and also entire script execution in error state.
User can provide a message as argument to became the message of the error to be thrown.


  • message (string) - error message to throw [OPTIONAL]


The function return() is similar but halts the execution of inline code block successfully, returning a value.

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])fail\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])

"{ fail('This is an error message') }"
"{ fail() }"

System functions for memory management, logging, etc..

Type: string

function set(path: string, value: any ): any ;

The function set allows you to set arbitrary data on script context for later reuse.


  • path (string) - path of the value to set
  • value (any) - variable to store


Use get() with path='global.<path>' to access and reuse the value later

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])set\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])

"{ set('temp1','Hello World!') }"
"{ set('temp2',get('global.temp1')) }"
Type: string

function get(path: string ): any ;

The function get allows you to get arbitrary data from script context.


  • path (string) - path of the value to retrieve


Use set() function to declare user variables inside a global object which you can later access using get()

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])get\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])

"{ get('cache.myAddress') }"
"{ get('cache.buildTransaction.txHex') }"
"{ set('temp1','Hello World!'); get('global.temp1'); }"
Type: string

function console(type: 'log'|'info'|'warn'|'error', ...values: any ): void ;

Dumps to console one or several values, which can be string messages or of any type


  • type ('log'|'info'|'warn'|'error') - value to pretty print in the logs
  • ...values (any) - value to pretty print in the logs [REST]
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])console\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])

"{ console('log','This is a log') }"
"{ console('info','This is an information') }"
"{ console('warn','This is a warning') }"
"{ console('error','This is an error') }"
"{ console('info','Hello web3 user!','Your address is:', get('cache.myAddress')) }"
"{ console('log',get('global.temp1')) }"
Type: string

[DEPRECATED] function delay(timeout: number ): void ;

Pauses the execution for timeout milliseconds.


  • timeout (number) - number of milliseconds for the timeout
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])delay\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])

String manipulation functions

Type: string

function truncate(value: string, prefixLength: number, suffixLength: number, separator: string ): string ;

Truncates a string from start to prefixLength characters, attaches a separator string, and finally adds the last suffixLength characters of the string
Useful for truncating long texts, or hashes and addresses when you want to keep the beginning and the end of them and discard the middle.


  • value (string) - utf-8 string to be truncated
  • prefixLength (number) - initial number of characters to be included in resulting string
  • suffixLength (number) - final number of characters to be included in resulting string
  • separator (string) - string to be included between prefix and suffix parts of the string



addr1qzk45...kwg (prefixLength=10 ,suffixLength=3, separator="...")

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])truncate\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function replaceAll(text: string, match: string, value: string ): string ;

Replaces all match occurrences inside text by value


  • text (string) - utf-8 string where to search and replace
  • match (string) - utf-8 exact string that will be searched for and replaced by value
  • value (string) - utf-8 string value to replace with
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])replaceAll\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])

Array manipulation functions

Type: string

function getArray(...values: any ): array ;

Returns an array with each provided argument as an item


  • ...values (any) - items of the array of any type [REST]



Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])getArray\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])

"{ getArray('apple','banana',43, get('cache.address')) }"

Encoding and decoding functions

Type: string

function jsonToObj(value: string ): any ;

Parses a JSON string and returns a value of JSON-supported type


  • value (string) - string value to parse, must be a valid JSON string


Use objToJson() function to serialize JSON

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])jsonToObj\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function objToJson(value: any ): string ;

Turns a value of JSON-supported type into a JSON string


  • value (any) - value to serialize as JSON string


Use jsonToObj() function to parse JSON

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])objToJson\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function strToHex(value: string ): string ;

Encodes a utf-8 text string into hexadecimal string


  • value (string) - utf-8 text string


Use hexToStr() function to decode from hexadecimal encoding

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])strToHex\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function hexToStr(value: string ): string ;

Decodes an hexadecimal string into the former utf-8 text string


  • value (string) - hexadecimal encoded string


Use strToHex() function to encode using hexadecimal encoding

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])hexToStr\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function strToBase64(value: string ): string ;

Encodes a utf-8 text string into base64 string


  • value (string) - utf-8 text string


Use base64ToStr() function to decode from base64 encoding

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])strToBase64\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function base64ToStr(value: string ): string ;

Decodes a base64 string into a utf-8 text string


  • value (string) - base64 encoded string


Use strToBase64() function to encode using base64 encoding

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])base64ToStr\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function strToMetadataStr(value: string ): string|string[] ;

Automatically splits a utf-8 text string into a list of 64 bytes long strings if value length is bigger than 64 bytes
Otherwise, it returns the original string

Strings in Cardano transaction's auxiliary data (metadata) can't be longer than 64 bytes.
Many standards use a list of short strings as a workaround.


  • value (string) - utf-8 text to be adapted for metadata usage


Use metadataStrToStr() function to convert back to string a metadata string

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])strToMetadataStr\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function metadataStrToStr(value: string|string[] ): string ;

If a list of strings ( produced by strToMetadataStr ) is provided, joins it into a single string
If a string is provided, returns the string

Strings in transaction's auxiliary data (metadata) can't be longer than 64 bytes.
Many standards use a list of short strings as a workaround.


  • value (string|string[]) - string or list of strings produced by strToMetadataStr()


Use strToMetadataStr() function to convert a string into a metadata string

Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])metadataStrToStr\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])

Cryptographic functions

Type: string

function getAddressInfo(address: string ): object ;

Parses a Cardano address and returns information as an object with many useful properties


  • address (string) - a valid Cardano address
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])getAddressInfo\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function sha512(data: string ): string ;

Calculates SHA512 hash of data string


  • data (string) - utf-8 string to be hashed
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])sha512\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function sha256(data: string ): string ;

Calculates SHA256 hash of data string


  • data (string) - utf-8 string to be hashed
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])sha256\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function sha1(data: string ): string ;

Calculates SHA1 hash of data string


  • data (string) - utf-8 string to be hashed
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])sha1\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function md5(data: string ): string ;

Calculates MD5 hash of data string


  • data (string) - utf-8 string to be hashed
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])md5\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function uuid( ): string ;

Generates a random RFC4122 UUID v4


Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])uuid\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])

Arithmetic functions

Type: string

function addBigNum(value: string|number, ...addends: string|number ): string ;

Adds extraArgs numbers to an initial value.

BigNum are big positive integers provided as strings.
This function also convert numbers on arguments into BigNum string

Returns the sum as a BigNum string.


  • value (string|number) - initial value (BigNum)
  • ...addends (string|number) - value or values to be added (BigNum) [REST]
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])addBigNum\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function subBigNum(value: string|number, ...subtrahends: string|number ): string ;

Subtracts subtrahends numbers from an initial value minuend. Fails on underflow.

BigNum are big positive integers provided as strings.
This function also convert numbers on arguments into BigNum string

Returns the subtraction as a BigNum string.


  • value (string|number) - minuend, initial value (BigNum)
  • ...subtrahends (string|number) - value or values to be subtracted (BigNum) [REST]
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])subBigNum\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Type: string

function mulBigNum(value: string|number, ...multipliers: string|number ): string ;

Multiplies multipliers numbers to an initial value.

BigNum are big positive integers provided as strings.
This function also convert numbers on arguments into BigNum string

Returns the multiplication as a BigNum string.


  • value (string|number) - initial value (BigNum)
  • ...multipliers (string|number) - value or values to be multiplied with (BigNum) [REST]
Must match regular expression: (?<![\w_])mulBigNum\s*\(.*\)(?![\w_])
Must match regular expression: ^\{(.|[\r\n])*\}$

Default: "{index}"

This API returns a JSON object with each wallet data contained under corresponding object key. With this property you can customize these keys. Available templating variables are index, key

Type: string
Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting



Name of the wallet. not encrypted data on wallet file. You can use variables wrapped between { and } to automate individual item property generation. Available templating variables are index, key

Type: string
Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting


"Student {index}"

Description of the wallet. Not encrypted data on wallet file. You can use variables wrapped between { and } to automate individual item property generation. Available templating variables are index, key

Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting


"Hi Student {index}. Scan this QR to import you wallet"
"Wallet created for Attendee #{key}"
"Welcome to Cardano!"

Password hint of the wallet, instructions, references for the end user to figure out the password, on low risk use cases password can be exposed here. Not encrypted data on wallet file. You can use variables wrapped between { and } to automate individual item property generation. Available templating variables are index, key, password. Be careful when using password variable because this will expose password in plain text

Type: string
Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting


"Ask John the password for Student {index} wallet"
"you password is 'imAttendee{key}'"

Password used to encrypt the wallet file with. If missing, a password generator will be used, use with caution as if not using secrets=true and not including password templating variable on hint you won't have access to the used password. You can use variables wrapped between { and } to automate individual item property generation. Available templating variables are index, key

Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting



Will generate wallet and address scannable QR codes. When secrets=true this image files will be returned as base64 data URI PNG files. When download=true this images will be downloaded, ready to be printed or showed on screens to became scanned/imported on any GameChanger Wallet

Type: boolean Default: true
Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting

When using qr=true mode, wallet and address QR codes will be downloaded as PNG files. Filenames will be generated using wallet names.

Type: boolean Default: true
Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting

When using qr=true mode, wallet and address QR codes will be rendered in black and white, prepared for printing

Type: boolean Default: false
Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting

When using legacy=true mode, returned and downloaded QR encoded addresses will be compatible with legacy GameChanger V1 Gift Wallets, while the wallet encrypted files and wallet encrypted QR codes will remain importable on V1 and V2.

Type: boolean Default: false
Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting

When true, it returns extra wallet information such as main spend and stake public keys (bip32 paths: 'm/1852h/1815h/0h/0/0' and 'm/1852h/1815h/0h/2/0'), their key hashes, and the default credentials used on wallet address. This public data can be used later for example to design native scripts without requiring to import the generated wallets or providing their private keys to do so

Type: boolean Default: false
Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting

Only when running with system privileges, it returns wallet secrets such as password, seed phrase mnemonics and root private key. Use with caution!

Type: boolean Default: false
Type: string

Inline Scripting Language (ISL) is a complementary programming language to process, format, reuse, link, or pipe GCScript function results with other function arguments, designed to avoid bad practices such as deep nested code and complex code logic expressed in JSON.

Code functions help you to perform memory, string, arithmetic, cryptographic, encoding, logging, debugging, and other useful secondary operations not supported by primary GCScript API functions.


Almost all GCScript function arguments supports ISL.

All arguments passing a string value starting with { and terminating with } and containing calls of one or many ISL functions separated with ; will be interpreted as an ISL code block and will be executed.

The entire ISL code block will be replaced by it's results prior executing the GCScript function, key behavior that makes GCScript more flexible and dynamic.

Otherwise, if syntax rules are not met on GCScript function arguments, interpreter will use these strings as string values instead of ISL executable code.

ISL syntax is a subset of Javascript syntax. It's a deterministic, non-turing complete language, same as GCScript language itself.

Same definition as Inline Scripting